Tuition Cost:
Hotel and non-course information contact:
Enrollment deadline:
Class limit:
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Please note due to expenses incurred, withdrawal from a registered course less than 30 days from the scheduled first day of the course will result in a $150.00 withdrawal fee being billed to your agency.

Course Registration

Payment for courses is made in US Funds only and may be made by check, PO or Credit Card.  Attendees from outside of the US will be required to pay for the courses in advance by credit card.

Everett Baxter Jr Forensics, LLC offers discounts for single agencies sending 3 or more individuals to the same course.  If your agency is sending 3 or more attendees, please use the Contact Us tab and send an email and we will contact you and make other registration arrangements.

If you proceed with the enrollment using this process, the discount will not be applied and cannot be provided at a later date.

If your agency has previously enrolled two individuals to attend a course and needs to add additional attendees, please use the Contact Us tab and email us with the information to ensure your agency properly receives the attendees discount.

Attendee information

If in law enforcement, please enter your badge number.

Method of Payment *

If paying by check or P.O.